customization Created with Sketch.

Simplified Cam on Board

intelligence Created with Sketch.

User friendly

adjustability Created with Sketch.

Zero training

flexibility Created with Sketch.

Touch Screen

Libellula.WIZARD is the revolutionary CAM application, Nesting, technology and machine code in 4 steps to combine ease of use and quick preparation machine: Step 1. Job creation by importing parts to be produced, Step 2. Nesting, Step 3. Technology, Step 4. Machine Code and Realistic Simulation

The software has been specifically developed to be also used through the touch-screen input type, and is therefore particularly suitable to be installed in the workshop on board the machine.


- Parametric figures: a large number of figures that are most commonly used in the production sheet is made available in parametric form to enable the design of parts to be produced in a particularly fast way

- Manual nesting – manual and automatic cutting path

- automatic nesting – manual and automatic cutting path

- Realistic simulation :  to check the production cycle just created in a realistic environment to test its correctness


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